Here’s the video of the meeting with County officials at Canyon’s End last Thursday:
While this meeting took place in Meadview, you can use the information provided by the County to get YOUR roads into the County Maintenance Program.
They discuss the mobile at Pear & Charles, graded by DMC Construction in 2006. Ever since they graded, Charles gets washed out badly. Not to mention that already twice the siding of the mobile home got taken off by floods and the property is essentially worthless.
There is the possibility that the Diamond Bar construction contributed to increased flooding and especially sand on Pear (where I got stuck).
A lady tells of her plight trying to get her husband to Pierce Ferry to meet up with the ambulance.
Jennifer Jones asked about taxes and funding for roads.
IMPORTANT POINTS: YOU have to bring the road up to standard and this will take time. But the sooner you start the sooner the county will maintain the road.
HOWEVER, they’ll only work on these roads twice a year, so it’s important that you do the best job possible to prevent damage after every rainstorm.
The county will HAVE to either purchase or seasonally lease equipment and get part-time / on call operators or they will have to CONTRACT with locals for EMERGENCY REPAIRS as there’s no way they can be everywhere the day after a storm.
I was really offended by the guy’s statement that when news people call him after big storms he is pleased to tell them that we’re fine and have no damage. What a bunch of BS!!! That was NOT a good thing to say — does he really think OUR roads don’t matter?
Maybe we have to be more proactive and provide reporters with video, pictures and accounts of vehicles stuck in sand?
I already had the weather channel contact me for permission to use my video, so there IS an interest by the media, and I’m NOT talking about the Kingman Miner.
The July floods constituted a historic storm event. The rain measured at our weather station near Diamond Bar Road and Pierce Ferry Road was the highest ever recorded since the station was installed and was actually greater than a 100 year storm (a 100-year storm is a storm that has a one percent chance of occurrence in any given year).
The storms took a terrible toll on the roads. Unfortunately, most of the roads in Lake Mead City are not maintained by the County. And, for the County to accept them for maintenance, they would need to first be brought up to County Standards by those wishing the roads to be maintained. (Not by the County per ARS 28-6705)
28-6705. Public road and street maintenance
A. The board of supervisors may spend public monies for maintenance of public roads and streets other than legally designated state and county highways located without the limits of an incorporated city or town. Before spending public monies under this section, the roads or streets shall be both:
1. Laid out, opened and constructed without cost to the county.
2. Completed pursuant to a plat approved pursuant to sections 11-802 and 11-822 and in accordance with standard engineering road specifications adopted by the board of supervisors to ensure uniform compliance.
B. The Board of supervisors may spend public monies for maintenance of public roads and streets that were laid out, constructed and opened before June 13, 1990, or that have been designated as primitive roads pursuant to section 28-6706, subsection D, even if the roads and streets were not constructed in accordance with subsection A of this section. (Roads constructed prior to the June 13, 1990, date are allowed to meet a much less construction and right of way standard, under the County’s Tertiary Road Maintenance Program, but receive less maintenance than roads acceptance under our Regular Road Maintenance Program.)
The outcome of the meeting was as follows:
1) The County will work with the residents to develop a game plan and provide the residents with a clear understanding of what will be necessary for them to bring the roadways to a County Tertiary Maintenance Standard so those roads can be brought before the Board of Supervisors for acceptance.
2) Residents can construct and maintain access to their property without having to get a permit on all roads that are not Regularly Maintained by the County.
3) Mr. Paul Stowe said he would agree to try and get a working committee together and be the point of contact to work with the people to accomplish getting the Lake Mead City roads accepted for maintenance.
When the people are ready for a second meeting, Mr. Stow said he will contact me so that Staff and I can come back out and meet with the working committee.
I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to meet with all the people that attended the August 18th meeting. Once we are able to accept the roads for maintenance, the repair of any future damage will be the responsibility of the County.
Thank you,
Chairman Jean Bishop
Mohave County Supervisor District 4
Chairman Jean Bishop,
I appreciate your posting here, but you just don’t get it!
As you admitted:
Your response:
That just does not cut it!
I’m not saying that this is like Louisiana and President Obama should be visiting and bring millions in emergency funds, but as you admit, it was a “historic storm event.”
You have not even attempted to ensure the safety of the people who live here!
You wrote:
It took the county about two weeks to get to Charles which it DOES maintain and the County didn’t even bring a water truck.
What do you suggest residents do UNTIL the County gets out here to do its job???
Drive to Kingman and PAY for a permit to fix Charles?
Sandy Point is STILL closed in Unit 9.
We pay property tax and you failed to get us OUR share of the over $3 million the County received from the feds for BLM land in each of the last couple of years. You put that money in the general fund instead of giving it to the intended recipients:
The school and fire districts and of course some of the PILT funds could be used to fix the dirt roads out here.
You cost the fire department hundreds of thousands because you SHOULD have given LMRFD its share of the PILT funds INSTEAD of paying administrator Flynn over $200k for doing slightly more than nothing.
I noticed that you didn’t attend the last LMRFD fire board meeting.
FYI, they still don’t have a credit line and they are pleading with residents to pay their property taxes early and they’re cutting costs.
Most of the people out here are retired and they are Mohave County’s biggest asset.
Retirees don’t take anyone’s job away.
Many spend their retirement income in Kingman shopping.
These retirees also contribute immensely to the Mohave County economy when they get sick and health insurance pays many millions to Mohave County hospitals and doctors so that a whole lot of people have jobs in the healthcare sector.
And what have YOU done for the people out here?
I really hope that you get voted out and replaced by someone who actually cares about the “county”, the people living out here.
Your methods to suppress dissent are so unethical.
You had the NERVE to block me on Facebook so that I can not respond to your campaign ads with the link to the video of the Golden Valley supervisor candidate forum.
You are not fit for public office.
If you can’t take the heat, don’t post your ads on Facebook!
You want our votes, but you won’t do a thing for us.
And one more thing, Chairman Jean Bishop.
I hope the County gets sued if / when someone has a medical emergency and they’re desperately trying to get to the paved road to meet an ambulance as the lady at the Meadview meeting told you and they get on a road that just ENDS:
I can also imagine what will happen to an ambulance going 30 mph trying to save someone’s life.
I was lucky I was driving very slow and it was a dry sunny day — two days after the rain.
There is only ONE viable option:
The County contracts with local operators to make the roads safe (not pretty) as needed immediately after every rain storm that causes DANGEROUS washouts.
I heard a lot about how efficient the County is and that’s why jobs aren’t contracted out.
Please advise how much it costs the County to run a backhoe per hour and then we’ll look into locals to do the emergency repairs.
As I mentioned in my previous comment, most people out here are retired. We don’t take anyone’s job away and we do most of our shopping in Mohave County. We get our cars and trucks fixed in Mohave County, and believe me, with these roads they need a lot of fixing.
And as most senior citizens, we get sick. Again, most residents seek medical care in Mohave County, although due to the lack of qualified health care professionals, quite a few go to Nevada (that’s another issue to discuss.)
Do you have ANY idea how many jobs the people living out here create?
Do you have ANY idea how many MILLIONS of dollars have been sent to Kingman by Medicare and insurance companies just for treatment of Lake Mead City and Unit 7 residents EVERY SINGLE YEAR?
Not to mention that they pay REAL ESTATE tax, SALES tax and FUEL tax.
We have seen an enormous drop in real estate values out here. So many homes are vacant. A 2 bedroom mobile home on an acre sold for $5,000 last year and another one for $9,000 — right here in Unit 7 (the section NE of Lake Mead City).
As people are moving away, we are losing tax revenue and jobs!
Haven’t you ever taken an economics class? Do you have trouble following how this works?
You need to start APPRECIATING us instead of treating us like white trash.
The County received about $3.5 million in PILT funds last year. It’s about time you start spending OUR money on us!
Christine Baker
PS: I’m almost 2 miles from Pierce Ferry and I need to be able to safely get to Pierce Ferry. I’m not worried about MY road.
Emailed to on 8/26/16:
Chairman Jean Bishop,
I didn’t receive a response to my 8/24/16 comment at
Due to another major rain storm last Monday the roads are AWFUL again and I just posted another comment as we need IMMEDIATE action.
We appreciate your response,
Christine Baker
Speaking of the roads. I was told by my UPS carrier yesterday, that because of the condition of my road (Driftwood Dr) he could no longer deliver to my home
They don’t come to my place anymore either. Are you in LMC or Unit 6 or closer to town?
I live on Driftwood Dr. In LMC. Nearly all of Driftwood between Charles and Smith has been washed out
Jean Bishop ignores me and has me blocked on Facebook. So I think it’s time to take this to a BOS meeting so the sorry state of our roads becomes part of the OFFICIAL record.
I think that once the County has received formal notice it may be liable for accidents or if someone dies because they can’t get out or the ambulance can’t get to them.
Bishop points at STATE LAW as if it was written in stone and that is completely unacceptable. We don’t have some all powerful dictator rule Arizona.
I really don’t want 30 ft wide roads that are maintained twice a year. All I want is EMERGENCY repairs as needed. It’s NO big deal. There IS plenty of money.
I do find it odd that I have seen signs stating that a road is NOT county maintained and you travel at your own risk (I think Gregg’s Hideout road), but the county DOES fix those roads.
So that’s my first question — why can they fix OTHER roads but not ours?
“We” need to DOCUMENT how bad the roads are. Please take PICTURES or VIDEO and I can put it together for a power point presentation or video for our supervisors and state representatives. I wish I’d taken pics when I got stuck, was too stressed to think about it at the time.
Been really busy (having fun!) and was just up on the mesa. That drive up Diamond Bar is SO nice, it has to be the only decent road in this county (because the feds built it.)
Anyway, send me pics! I don’t currently have 4 WD so I’m avoiding all roads I don’t know. Almost got stuck again on Sandy Point.
Some pics like here would be good:
It helps to have a vehicle in the pic for reference.
Or a video taken while driving a crappy road.
Christine, I have a pretty good video of the roads flooding but I can not find where I can post videos and pictures at your sight
I post video on YouTube and then link to it here, have to convert it to youtube format first. I could get you the login info for youtube if you don’t have a channel, or maybe we need to get together and transfer it to from your memory card and I can upload it. Are you on youtube?