Of course, the MCA has been advised of the Arizona law pertaining to homeowner associations on many previous occasions, but since this is a new board, I’ll educate them again.
My most recent correspondence with the MCA over their ludicrous demand for payment of dues accrued after they shut off my access card because I was video recording and writing about their illegal misconduct:
Sharon Baur – President
Jack McGinnis – Vice President
Norreta Caldwell – Treasurer
Larry Reilley – Director
Clyde Haggerty – Director
Pam Steffen – SecretaryDear MCA Board of Governors,
I appreciate that you finally responded to my email below after I inquired with Ms. Baur at the post office about the MCA’s failure to respond. However, you really need to get a grip on reality.
1) I stopped paying the dues because you shut off my card despite the FACT that I was a member in good standing:
Why do you think that I should have paid dues while NOT being able to use the facilities, attend meetings and vote?
2) The MCA has NO right to private meetings
The MCA is a Homeowner Association as defined by A.R.S. 33-1802.
https://www.azleg.gov/viewdocument/?docName=https://www.azleg.gov/ars/33/01802.htmAs per A.R.S. 33-1804, you MUST allow video recording.
“… Persons attending may audiotape or videotape those portions of the meetings of the board of directors and meetings of the members that are open. …”
Why do you think the law does not apply to the MCA?
3) Why can I not attend the MCA meetings as a representative for Casitas Palo Christi LLC, a member in good standing?
I understand that I cannot vote for my property until I pay my dues or you finally decide to comply with the law, but the LLC is a separate legal entity.
4) What “30-day time period” are you referring to in your 12/29/22 letter?
5) Is it “criminal trespass” when I attend a COM meeting, Bingo, memorial or other public events?
Your 12/29/21 letter states: “Returning to the Meadview Civic Association, Inc. without written approval will constitute in criminal trespass and a complaint will be filed with the Mohave County Sheriff’s office.”
If I am not allowed to attend public events, please explain your reasoning and authority.
6) Please review my posting at https://highdesertdirt.com/blog/2022/01/04/the-meadview-civic-association-aka-mca-must-comply-with-the-law/ and advise of any incorrect statements with specificity.
Should you fail to respond by 1/15/2022, my post will be deemed accurate and factual.
I will greatly appreciate your prompt response by email to save us all a lot of time and resources.
Thank you,
Christine Baker
Can’t wait for their response!