Carl will bring our new aerated compost tea brewer (bio reactor) and I can’t wait to start brewing!
Carl has been using his brewer and he’s happy with the results. Hopefully we can do a demonstration of the brewer at the farmstand. It’s actually quite simple to build it.
We’ll talk about fall planting and I’ll bring some of the handouts from the Master Gardener class last week with planting schedules and lots of good info.
Fall and winter make for EASY gardening, with much less watering and few bugs and critters. Last winter we planted our lettuce seedlings just a few days before our hoophouse had low temps of 3 F. Most seedlings survived and grew really well as soon as it warmed up. At the September meeting we’ll discuss cold frames and how to build inexpensive greenhouses.
I’ve also started to post lots of resources at our new FORUM at
Check out this video about growing tomatoes for harvest in May in MN without heat!
Bring your questions and answers and see you next Thursday at Canyon’s End at 2 pm. If you can’t make it, please post any questions or comments at the new forum.
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