It was amazing to see so many shoppers actually bring their list of people they needed gifts for.  I had volunteered to help the Meadview Quail sell tacos, so that’s what I was doing from 10 am till noon when it was really crowded.  I have never seen so many people shop in Meadview.

The High Desert Gardening Club table with the beautiful birdhouse donated for the raffle by Steve and Kelly. In the foreground are sage, rosemary, basil, chaste trees, aloes and lettuce, mustard and kale seedlings.

A huge THANK YOU to Leo, who watched my table and also attended to the High Desert Gardening Club table.  We gave away free HOT peppers grown by Frieda on Patterson Grade, handed out DVDs with the documentary Genetic Roulette (about genetically modified food) and sold raffle tickets for the wonderful birdhouse donated to the gardening club by Steve and Kelly!  Also, more thanks to Steve and Kelly for the SIGNS that helped visitors find the church.  It sure was odd that the chamber allegedly voted to not allow the sign in the median, but lots of people found us anyway.

Big thanks to Jan, Lee and Frieda for bringing plants and pots to sell for the gardening club (we will sell what’s left at the farm stand, just need a few more pallets to finish the last wall).  And of course we appreciate Carolyn’s organizing the sale and many thanks to Pastor John Mulvihill for allowing us to use the church facilities.

Finally, and most important, we greatly appreciate all the folks who shopped LOCALLY and supported our many talented artists, crafters and gardeners!

Here are some pictures:



I posted the pictures in no particular order and I’m sorry I didn’t get everybody and I either accidentally deleted some pictures or I had a camera malfunction.  I distinctly remember taking pictures of Carolyn, Candy and Steve, but those pictures somehow disappeared.  Sorry, next time!