Updated 6/25/17 with word on the street on the road destruction in Unit 7.
Who filled the potholes on Rose at Smoke Tree?
I’ve done some road work with my crew, but this is the first time EVER that I have seen the potholes FILLED as they should be by someone else. Not that I know who works on every road, but this really was an amazing sight!
One reason our dirt roads are so AWFUL is that the potholes aren’t filled when they attempt to improve them with graders or backhoes. I say “attempt” because there’ve been times when people made it worse, it takes more than good intentions to run heavy equipment.
These are actually not potholes, but ROCK HOLES, from the blade ripping the rocks out. Then they push the rocks off the road and we have giant holes.
As we drive through those holes, we create MORE erosion, lose more dirt to wind, expose more rocks, and the cycle restarts when they “fix” the road again.
Anyway, a friend who lives there said he’d like to contribute a few bucks to the person(s) who did this work. Somebody must have used a shovel to get what little dirt there is from the ditch — hard work!
The residents who volunteer their equipment and time (for a little gas money, if they’re lucky) can’t be expected to pay for dirt for fill and Jean Bishop ought to come out and bring her shovel!
Cary Schweitzer asked Jean Bishop and the county people last August for some DIRT at the big meeting at Canyon’s End (video and discussion of the meeting). It’s been almost a year, I haven’t seen any dirt anywhere and the roads are awful.
To the County, we’re not even worthy of dirt.
Charles is SO bad, someone took the street sign out the other day.
When you’re turning onto Charles from Pierce Ferry coming from Kingman, you have to seriously slow down because the washboard is so awful, you slide around like on ice. And the giant holes and rocks as you drive off the pavement destroy the vehicles.
The County keeps marking Pierce Ferry, but they never do the work.
Apparently the County wants to make sure that anyone interested in purchasing one of the MANY abandoned properties off Charles knows right away not to move here. Good job creating more blight and lowering property values — less tax for the County! Aren’t they SO clever?
Several weeks ago heavy equipment went down MY road even though I’m not on a County maintained road and I specifically requested that the County stay AWAY from my road. Did they retaliate because of my complaints? In 11 years they’ve never come down here.
After last summer’s storms I had spent many hours moving boulders and filling holes so I had the “perfect” road (just wide enough for my dually) in front of my property. I think the County guy made ONE pass and he TORE UP my road. I have holes a foot deep. There were boulders so huge I could hardly move them off the road.
Updated 6/25/17: Word on the street is that Bob Lehman tore up our roads. I heard that he? went down Rose and people there are upset too and hate those holes. Bob, if that’s true, please don’t do that again, we’re all old and stumbling around as it is — don’t need no broken bones or hips or being sued by people who get hurt! 🙂
When people park on MY road (I own it) and an old lady falls into one of those holes, who is liable?
Do they sue the County or me?
URL emailed to District 4 supervisor Jean Bishop for answers.