Contrary to the rumors, Grant was elected. However, I will be asking the board to remove him as he illegally electioneered and he gave a long campaign speech last Saturday. He should be replaced with Kenneth Cardenas, the next runner up.

The other board members are, in order of votes received:

Frank Eakins
Ron King
Cloyd Moody
Joy Luke
Raymond Stone
Grant Veile
Kent Barney

Also contrary to the rumors, the attempt to increase the dues from $35 to $40 FAILED by 45 votes and I’m sure glad that I made the calls to several out of the area investors with numerous votes.


Unfortunately, the new board got off to a very bad start with an ILLEGAL private board meeting!

I was at the MCA at 3 pm to video record and I was told that the meeting was private.


I waited in the office for a while, then went to look whether anybody was using the facilities and except for Jay, no members were on the premises.

The private board meeting was still in session around 4 pm when I finally went home as I have lots of work to do.