I can’t believe that I got this board elected. A year and a half of stress and so much time wasted … for that!!!
Dear Ms. Baker,
On or about January 12, 2013 you received a letter from the MCA’s attorney Richard L. Basinger of Basinger Legal Services, PLC, this letter outlined the MCA boards concern with your behavior during the MCA’s meetings and your public dissemination of MCA’s business and the untrue statements posted on your website and on you-tube.
In this letter it was also outlined what behavior would be tolerated to allow you continued access to the MCA facility.
You have continued to disregard this request and the MCA board has determined it necessary to deny you access by shutting off your card.
You may regain access to the MCA facility by meeting with the MCA board and apologizing for your unacceptable behavior and agreeing to discontinue your public dissemination of MCA business and to discontinue posting untrue statements on your website and on you-tube and that you will agree to follow the request set forth in the letter dated January 12,2013.
You may make arrangements to meet with the MCA board by letter or bye-mail 7 days in advance of our receiving your letter or e-mail. You will be considered a member NOT in good standing during the shut off period.
Frank Eakins, President
Meadview Civic Association, Inc. Board of Governors’
I should have went for dissolution of the MCA as I had originally planned last year. Many people asked me to give the new board a chance, but obviously I shouldn’t have bothered.
I’m not at all interested in a meeting and I have been working on a written response (much easier to use in court) with three options:
1) They let my lot and any lot I own in the future OUT of the MCA.
2) They reinstate my card and comply with my long list of demands.
3) I sue the MCA and the current and former board members.
I expect I’ll end up suing, but I do want to give them the opportunity to avoid litigation because I’d rather have the MCA dissolved and have the assets including the cash go to a COMMUNITY non profit instead of to Basinger.
Of course I’ll resume my petition to dissolve the MCA.
What will come first? Dissolution after a member vote, by court order or when the MCA is broke?
If the issues aren’t resolved in a couple weeks, I’ll also work on contacting legislators who should change the law to included statutory damages for HOA violations. The MCA is by FAR worse than the association discussed in this Florida video:
This FL committee seems to be only concerned with the association not providing financial documents to the members. Of course the MCA also failed to comply with my many requests for documents, but they slandered and defamed me, made two false police reports about me, wouldn’t let me vote, wouldn’t let me run for the board, etc. etc. etc.
If I sue the MCA, I predict that attorney Basinger will get a HUGE chunk of the MCA cash reserves.
I think that he should be disbarred for the awful advice he has been giving to the MCA. He ought to be in front of an Arizona committee and he ought to be sued by the membership for malpractice — after all, it’s OUR money!
Yesterday at the farmstand I met a couple staying at Canyon’s End because they are house hunting in Meadview.
My first question was: “Why do you want to move to this hellhole?
I explained what’s going on with the MCA and that we have many good people here, but there is NO community whatsoever because of the Meadview clique “Beverly Hills” attitude. I think they know better than to buy an MCA property.