2/6/25 Update: Two more new subsections pertaining to the use of HOA property for member meetings and campaigning were added to the A.R.S. 33-1808 in 2022. Have to read the current law, apparently, it specifically addresses HOAs not allowing negative FB posts. Obviously, that pertains to their shutting off my access card in 2013 because I publicized their ILLEGAL activities.
Members can use the MCA facilities to discuss their dissatisfaction and possible actions:
… H.B. 2158 also adds a new subsection to A.R.S. §§ 33-1261 (for condos) and 33-1808 (for planned communities) that permits members to peacefully assemble and use the association’s common facilities, both indoor and outdoor, if done in compliance with reasonable rules established by the board of directors for use of the property. Members may assemble for purposes of discussing association business, and any member may invite one political candidate or one non-member guest to speak at an assembly of members about matters related to the community. Associations must also allow members to post notice of their assemblies on bulletin boards located on or within other parts of the common facilities.
New Arizona law intends to crack down on ‘oppressive’ HOA rules
PHOENIX — Homeowner associations in Arizona will now have a more difficult time regulating residents attempting to organize against the HOA after lawmakers have successfully passed a new set of guidelines.
House Bill 2158 intends to protect the rights of residents who choose to speak out against their HOA managers by barring associations from controlling certain forms of expression and activism.
Gov. Doug Ducey signed the bill into law this week after it passed through the Arizona Legislature.
Supporters of the bill told legislators that “oppressive” HOAs have gotten out of control with how they attempt to silence critics who may attempt to voice objections during community meetings.
“They cut us off when they don’t like what we’re saying,” one Arizona resident said during a Senate committee meeting last month.
State Rep. John Kavanaugh, R-Scottsdale, said the law is intended to rein in a small minority of HOAs that have implemented “unreasonable” rules.
“We have to move in and prevent them from stepping on people’s rights,” Kavanaugh said. …
Not a day too soon 🙂
Although the existing law never allowed for suspending member privileges and voting rights.
If I wasn’t so busy …